Hello everyone, today im going to talk about my favorite TV show
I am very interested in cinema and usually watch any movie, but there is not a movie that had made me feel the thrills caused by the TV show Mr Robot when I watched it. That's the reason I will talk about it.
I started watching it when the first season came out the year 2015 until it finished last year.
The show is about Elliot Alderson, an IT that work in cybersecurity struggling with depression, anxierty and, a dissociative identity didorder.
Ellot is recruited by Mr Robot to participate in hacker band with the purpose of erasing debt and credi information garned by big corporations.
The TV show referencces different movies such as V for vendetta and Fight Club. These are movies I enjoyed watching and made understanding the references much easier and fun.
At a first glancce, the show may seem shallow or normal, but as it moves along it tpuches sensstive issues that made me connect and appreciate it.
Thats all for this time! see you.
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